Yearly Bujinkan Themes

Yearly Bujinkan Themes

Each year Soke Hatsumi selects a subject which is the primary focus for training that year, here is the list of subjects covered in previous years.

  • 2016 – “42” – The beginning of a new 42 year cycle, commemorating the 42 year anniversary of the passing of Takamatsu Sensei and the beginning of a new 42 year cycle. Arnaud Coursegue the Shitenno for France explains it as Sokes way of telling us that starting next year, Soke is going to leave the future of the Bujinkan to us. He is doing what Takamatsu did for him in 1971 when he inherited the nine schools. The circle is completed “maru no ichi”.

  • 2015 – Nagamaki

  • 2014 – Shin In Bu Dou

  • 2013 – Ken Engetsu no Kagami (“mirror of the fullmoon sword”)/ Tachi Hôken (“divine treasure sword”)— Ken, Tachi, and Katana/ Naginata and Yari

  • 2012 – Jin Ryo Yo Go – Kaname, Sword and Rokushakubo, separately and with one in each hand

  • 2011 – Kihon Happo

  • 2010 – Rokkon Shoujou

  • 2009 – 才能   ”saino konki”/ Talent, Heart, Capacity / Talent, Soul, Capacity

  • 2008 – Togakure-ryū Ninpō Taijutsu

  • 2007 – Kukishin Ryu

  • 2006 – Shinden Fudo Ryu

  • 2005 – Gyokko-ryū Kosshi jutsu (Bo and Tachi)

  • 2004 – Daishou Juutai jutsu (Roppo-Kuji-no Biken)

  • 2003 – Juppo Sessho

  • 2002 – Jutai jutsu (Takagi Yoshin Ryu)

  • 2001 – Kosshi jutsu (Gyokko Ryu)

  • 2000 – Koppo jutsu (Koto Ryu)

  • 1999 – Kukishinden Ryu

  • 1998 – Shinden Fudo Ryu

  • 1997 – Jojutsu

  • 1996 – Bokken

  • 1995 – Naginata

  • 1994 – Yari

  • 1993 – Rokushakubojutsu

  • 1992 – Taijutsu Power

  • 1991 – Sword and Jutte

  • 1990 – Hanbo

  • 1989 – Taijutsu and Weapons

  • 1988 – Taijutsu


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